"How I wish you could see the potential, the potential of you and me. It's like a book elegantly bound, but in a language that you can't read just yet. (...) And there are days when outside your window, I see my reflection as I slowly pass. And I long for the spirit perspective, when we'll be lovers, lovers at last. (...) You reject my advances, a desperate pleas. I won't let you let me down so easily. So easily... You gotta spend some time love. You gotta spend some time with me. And I know that you'll find love. I will possess your heart."
audio: death cab for cutie - i will possess your heart
Death Cab for Cutie’s new album, Narrow Stairs, will be available in stores and online on May 13th. The album will be available for pre-order on March 19th on Itunes. The first single "I Will Possess Your Heart" is now available at iTunes,www.amazon.com and the Atlantic Records store.
Narrow Stairs track listing:
1. Bixby Canyon Bridge
2. I Will Possess Your Heart
3. No Sunlight
4. Cath…
5. Talking Bird
6. You Can Do Better Than Me
7. Grapevine Fires
8. Your New Twin Sized Bed
9. Long Division
10. Pity and Fear
11. The Ice Is Getting Thinner
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